Inspired by Brahmarshi Pitamaha Patriji Maitreya Dhyana team started Zoom sessions in 2020 by Senior Pyramid masters which consists of Mediation, Swadhyaya and Satsanga along with experience sharing of the maters from all parts of Karnataka. Along the course of consistent Meditation sessions, we also conducted Vegetarian rallies, Home to Home Meditation and different activities in which thousands of people in Karnataka are getting benefited.

About Us

Board of Trustees

1. Dr. B.C Sanjeevaiah – President

2. Smt. Gangamma – Trustee

3. Sri N Srinivasa Babu – Vice President

4. Sri T Thriyambaka Murthy – Vice President

5. Smt. Manjula Gowreesh – Secretary

6. Smt. Saritha B – Treasure