Maha Maithreya Patriji Pyramid

Maha Maitreya Patriji Pyramid is the second largest pyramid in Aadivala, Hiriyur, Karnataka and this project was initiated online through zoom by Mr.Gowreesh and Pyramid masters in the year 2020 with the vision to have a pyramid in their District for wellbeing of the human society.

Inspired by the impact of Ana pana sati meditation Smt. Gangamma and Dr. B.C Sanjeevaiah family donated 1.25 acers for the pyramid construction.

On 2022 Brahmarshi Pitamaha Patriji laid the foundation stone for pyramid construction and Dr. Abhinava Brahmadanda Gurudeva performed bunadi pooja on 2022

The size of the pyramid is 99*99 feet and the whole project includes Pyramid, Dining, Accommodation, Library, Seminar Hall and Energy Spots etc, which is estimated around 8 crores.

Our Vision

To spread the truth of Meditation, Vegetarianism and Pyramid Energy to one and all.

We envision the Pyramid Meditation Center as a sanctuary where individuals can unlock unparalleled inner peace and personal growth. Also to serve as a Spiritual Research center for all spiritual scientists and pyramid masters of India and rest of the world.

Our Mission

Our mission is to spread the wisdom of Anapanasati Meditation and Spiritual Science for the well-being of all, regardless of age, background, or belief. By constructing pyramids in various locations across Karnataka, we aim at it.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is total “ cessation ..or ending … of the restless, useless, wasteful thought – stream of the mind” a state, free from all stray and idle thoughts, meditation is the grand gateway to obtain cosmic energy and cosmic intelligence that surrounds us.

Why Meditation ?

Mediation means making our mind “rather empty”. Once our mind is more or less empty, we have a tremendous capability of receiving cosmic energy and cosmic information surrounding us. This leads to good health and absolute clarity in thought process leading to a joyous life.

Why Pyramid Meditation?

Meditation done inside or underneath a pyramid is called “Pyramid Mediation”.

Most people, who have experimented with Pyramid Meditation, describe themselves as experiencing a total relaxation of their body, followed by a shutting out of all unnecessary external stimuli and irrelevant thoughts and finally achieving an altered state of consciousness which allows them to attain deeper inner levels.

Meditation done inside pyramid is “3 times” more powerful than ordinary “no pyramid” meditation. Pyramids provide the most effective high energy environment for all beginners of meditation. Pyramids help to reduce the level of stress and tension in the physical body. Out - of – body experiences are easily obtained when meditation is done inside a pyramid. Dreams become clearer and they take the quality of a normal wakeful state.

Building a Pyramid for a Better Future

Spiritual Masters Wisdom